2. Certificate of compliance with regulations:
UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2004
Trisacor, a construction and renovation company, is in possession of the UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2004 certificate that accredits it to carry out infrastructure works such as the following: earthworks, public and private buildings reform, urbanization works, development of sanitation, supply, lighting, paving of streets and pavements, as well as general and water distribution channels.
At Trisacor we have been working for years to improve public and private spaces. There are several works that we have carried out in different municipalities of Alicante and Murcia for the improvement of infrastructure and community spaces (construction and rehabilitation of squares, schools, sports centers, etc).
With certificates such as UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2004 we are recognized for the professionalism and training of our team of workers (masons, laborers, architects, etc.) to tackle large projects that improve the lives of citizens.
In Trisacor we build both private housing and public spaces, we rehabilitate facades of both private and public buildings and all with the highest quality guarantee because, in Trisacor, we take care that the materials with which we work are of the best quality so that our works, no matter how big they are, they last as long as possible.