Building affordable housing is not just building a home, it is creating a space that will accommodate all those who have any physical, psychic or sensory limitations. If we like architecture we will like all people in the spaces we design feel comfortable and free of limitations.
Homes, workplaces, shops or leisure spaces are subject to be built or rehabilitated to make them accessible. Architectural barriers are a form of discrimination since they limit the mobility of people who can not overcome them. Throughout our life we may be limited by some accident, by age or by some type of handicap. If we build thinking of all, we are building to not be conditioned, regardless of the circumstances that fate.
How to get accessible architectural spaces?
Although each autonomous community has developed its own legislation on accessibility, we are going to give some basic ideas that should be observed to make any space a meeting place. We begin:
– Attend to what height is installed the bell, video doorman, mailbox …
– To place ramps so that the stairs do not entail any obstacle, doors and lifts of accessible size for people in wheelchair. Elevators whose buttons are at a height suitable for any user as well as that can be used by people with visual impairment (Braille can be used to recognize the buttons on each floor).
– Access doors to houses, establishments or workplaces, which are wide enough to access independently of our way of moving (wheelchairs, crutches, power chairs …).
– Corridors that allow circulation with ease.
– Acoustic and luminous warning lights that warn of an emergency.
– Take care of the space of the bathrooms and the characteristics of the pavement used and the accessories such as taps, latches, lighting …
– In the case of shops or offices, attention will be paid to the height of the counters and / or reception area.
These are just a few basic ideas that can help build or rehabilitate meeting the needs of everyone.
On the other hand we can use new technologies, such as home automation, to contribute to accessibility.
In Trisacor we launch every project with the illusion of building for and by people. If you have any question about accessibility or want to realize your dream, attending to everyone’s needs, we invite you to meet us.